Electrosurgery Repair
Electrosurgery involves the use of high-frequency electrical currents and is performed in conjunction with a specialised instrument. Repeated re-processing has a detrimental effect on diathermy instruments, the coating breaks down and pinholes or nicks appear. Leakage of current can occur, which could cause a burn to the patient or surgeon. Some electrosurgery manufacturers replace the damaged instrument with another of unproven provenance raising issues about accountability and operating history. Repaired diathermy forceps and cables do not require CE marking under the Medical Devices Directive 93/42/EEC.
To address these problems, Surgical Holdings has introduced a new system which offers these advantages:
- New for Old - Send in your surgical instruments and cables for repairs and receive brand new CE marked replacements.
- Speed - Surgical Holdings holds large stocks of instrument patterns and the most common cables, enabling a fast turnaround of items which would otherwise require repair.
- A New Instrument - Paid for out of your repair budget.
- British Made - All forceps and cables are manufactured to conform with the European Directive 93/42/EEC for Medical Devices.
What is the difference between monopolar electrosurgery and bipolar electrosurgery?
There is one basic difference between bipolar and monopolar techniques. With monopolar electrosurgery, a probe electrode is used to apply the electrosurgical energy to the target tissue to achieve the desired surgical effect. The current then passes through the patient to a return pad and then back to the ESU generator to complete the circuit.
With the bipolar electrosurgical method a bipolar device, often a set of forceps, is used. The electrical current passes from one side of the forcep, through the target tissue to the other side of the forcep, then back to the generator. The electrical current is restricted to the tissue between the forcep, therefore not requiring the use of a grounding pad.
Bipolar Electrosurgery
Current flows through the instrument, then the patient's tissue and returns to the generator via the instrument.
Monopolar Electrosurgery
Current flows through the instrument, then the patient's tissue and returns to the generator via the electrode.
Get in touch with our highly skilled team to discuss your surgical instrument requirements