Instrument PDF Catalogues
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Surgical Instrument Catalogues
General instruments including artery forceps, clamps, spring forceps, tissue forceps, sponge holding and sterilising forceps, other forceps, scissors, needle holders, combined scissor and needle holders, bag and towel clips, retractors, probes, dissectors, laryngoscopes, scalpels and sterilising baskets.
Dental instruments for dentists and orthodontists, including elevators, extracting forceps, tooth forceps, scissors, dam and clamp instruments, pliers, nerve instruments, forceps for staple and wire shaping, contouring pliers, crown and strip forceps, crown forceps, mirrors, ligature forceps, wire and tape cutting forceps.
Diathermy instruments and bipolar tools for surgeons providing electrosurgery, including diathermy scissors, diathermy forceps, bipolar forceps, handles, needles and blades, leads, quivers and speculum.
Ear, nose and throat instruments including middle ear instruments, picks and scoops, probes and hooks, retractors, suction tubes, speculum, aural forceps, snares, mouth gags, tongue depressors, punches, rongeurs, scissors, curettes, elevators, dissectors, tracheotomy and laryngectomy tubes, oesophagoscopes and mirrors.
Gynaecology instruments for gynaecologists, including forceps, speculum, retractors, curettes, catheters, scissors, dilators and sounds.
Intestinal instruments for gastroenterology, including cholecystectomy forceps, colectomy forceps, gallstone forceps, stomach holding forceps, intestinal forceps and clamps.
Instruments for neurosurgery, including forceps, scissors, dissectors, probes, curettes, hooks, retractors, elevators, cannulae, suction tubes, rongeurs and punches.
Ophthalmic instruments for ophthalmology, including forceps, scissors, needle holders, retractors, speculum, cannula, clip, calliper, knives, spoons, vectis, hooks and cannulae infusion.
Orthopaedic instruments for surgery of the musculoskeletal system, including bone cutting forceps, bone rongeurs, bone holding forceps, bone curettes, bone levers, rugines, raspatories, osteotomes, chisels, gouges, wire cutters, pliers, elevators, saws, shears, knives, nail and staple instruments, screw and plate instruments, guide wires, bone screws, bone plates and staples.
Plastic Surgery instruments for oral surgery, including scissors, needle holders, forceps, rasps, elevators, spring forceps, picks, hooks, skin retractors, osteotomes, chisels, and gouges.
Post Mortem instruments for pathology, including scalpels and knives, scissors, bone cutting forceps, rib shears, dissecting forceps, needle holders, forceps, clamps, raspatories, saws, gouges, chisels, mallets, probes, retractors, needles and scalpel blade removers.
Proctology instruments for dealing with disorders of the rectum, anus, and colon, including forceps, clamps, scissors, directors, retractors and proctoscopes.
Thoracic instruments for dealing with operations on the heart, lungs, oesophagus, and other organs in the chest. Including forceps, clamps, scissors, needle holders, retractors, rib spreaders, rib shears and elevators.
Urology instruments for urethroplasty including retractors, forceps, urethral bougies and urethral sounds.
Other catalogues
- Bovie Dermatology Catalogue
- Cardiology & Thoracic Titanium Range (Pages 1-24)
- Cardiology & Thoracic Titanium Range (Pages 25-48)
- Cardiology & Thoracic Titanium Range (Pages 49-71)
- Cardiovascular & Thoracic Instruments Catalogue
- Codman & Shurtleff's Instruments Catalogue
- Dental Instruments Catalogue
- Diathermy Instruments Catalogue
- ENT Instruments Catalogue
- Extremities Catalogue
- General Instruments Catalogue
- Gynaecology Instruments Catalogue
- Hip Instruments Catalogue
- International Catalogue
- Intestinal Instruments Catalogue
- Light Cable Order Guide
- Medical Engineering (EBME)
- Neuro & Spinal Instruments Catalogue
- Ophthalmic Instruments Catalogue
- Orthopaedic Instruments Catalogue
- Plastic & Oral Surgery Instruments Catalogue
- PMS Eye Instruments Catalogue
- Post Mortem Instruments Catalogue
- Prime Medical Catalogue
- Proctology Instruments Catalogue
- Surgical Holdings Complete Catalogue
- Telic Group Catalogue
- Urology Instruments Catalogue
- VEC Range Catalogue
Product guides
- Arthrodesis & Kirschner Wires
- Arthroscopic Punches
- Bissinger Bipolar Forceps
- Bookwalter Retractor
- Bovie Smoke Shark II
- Bovie Derm & Smoke Shark III
- Chirobloc Hand Immobiliser
- Claris Non-Stick Bipolar Forceps
- Claris + Non-Stick Bipolar Forceps
- Colposcopy Solutions
- Detachable Punches
- DIATEG Insulation Tester
- Electrosurgical Generators
- Hermann Laparoscopic Instruments
- Hermann Laparoscopic Developments
- Kanji Medical
- MedZense LG20-e
- Nero Smooth Cut Scissors
- NuTrace NUX-20NG Laser Marker
- Nutrace R+ Max 2D Data Matrix Reader
- Reusable Tips for Symmetry Sharp Kerrison
- Rigid Endoscope Solutions
- Single Patient Use
- Single-Use Solutions
- Single-Use Tips for Symmetry Sharp Kerrison
- Single-Use Vein Strippers
- Sinuscopy & Rhinoscopy Instrumentation
- SMART Repairs Catalogue
- Smoke Shark® II
- Smoke Shark® III & Bovie Derm 942
- Surgical Scissors
- Symmetry Versagrip
- Symmetry Sharp Kerrison Punch
- Trays, Baskets, Fixation & Matting
- Ultrastop Endoscope Anti-Fog Solution
- Quad-Lock Containers
Instructions for use
Certificates & Policies
- Carbon Reduction Plan
- Endoscopy Webinar CPD Accreditation
- ISO 13485 Certificate
- Labour Standards Assurance Policy
- Labour Standards Ethical Policy
- Medical Device 93/42/EEC Certificate & MDD extension Confirmation Letter
- UK MDR 2002 Certificate
- Surgical Instruments Webinar CPD Accreditation
- NHS Scotland Framework Awards
- Whistleblowing Policy
- Modern Slavery Policy
Other documents
- CMR Baskets
- Company Introduction
- Full Tray Refurbishment
- General Instrument Factsheet
- Instrument Purchasing Guide
- Instrument Reprocessing Guidelines
- SMART Orthopaedic Power Tool Repair
- Battery & Pneumatic Orthopaedic Power Tool Repair
- Ultrasound Probe Repair
- Protein Reduction
- Rigid Endoscope Inspection Service
- Rigid Endoscope Fault Identification
- Video-Assisted Thoracic Surgery
Get in touch with our highly skilled team to discuss your surgical instrument requirements