Surgical Instrument Set Refurbishment Testimonial
Surgical Holdings have been recently managing a refurbishment programme for North Devon District Hospital. Here is their report on the implementation and success of their refurbishment programme so far:
North Devon District Hospital is part of the Northern Devon Healthcare NHS Trust and the theatre complex has an inventory in excess of 1000 sets. The majority of sets are owned by the trust but this is supplemented with “Loan and Consignment” Orthopaedic sets.
Need for Change
With the need for clinical efficiency and productivity in the theatres instrumentation is required to be efficient and fit for purpose.
Limited sets are being used with a high turnover affecting compliance, sharpness, tension, etc. New instruments are available to replace old, well used stock but the capital required for the instrumentation is hard to obtain.
To offset the need for capital to fund instrument replacements the CSSD and Theatres took the decision to try the Surgical Holdings option of refurbishing the instruments sets rather than disposing and purchasing new instruments. Instruments will either be refurbished back to new quality or replaced with new items for an inclusive price.
A “Basic” set was delivered to Surgical Holdings on the understanding the returned set would be assessed by the theatre staff to ensure the returned items met the requirements of the clinical team; e.g. sharpness, tension, colour, glare (lack of), etc.
The set passed the test and the remaining 22 “Basic” sets were refurbished on a rolling plan, the benefit of sending 1 set away at a time ensured a maximum stock level was available for clinical use.
Following the success of the 22 “Basic” sets a further 10 Oral Surgery Sets have been refurbished to the same standard.
Currently we have a Large Ortho Basic back after refurbishment awaiting theatre approval.
• Finance
No capital required to fund purchase
Revenue spend to fund refurbishment
Minimum of sets out of service due to rolling programme
Less incomplete sets as items are like new on refurbished sets, not needing further repairs
• Theatre Staff
Increased Clinical confidence – instruments like new
Not subject to shortage of sets during process
Reduction in procurement process- process agreed then rolling work plan
Clinical staff sign-off regarding quality
Fraser Bishop, Facilities Clinical Services Manager Trust Decontamination Lead North Devon District Hospital
“The refurbishment of the theatre sets has allowed high usage instrumentation to be brought back up to a standard equal to new, this has been met with appreciation from the theatre medical and clinical staff and has ensured clinical requirement for sets has not been compromised.”